Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy 2011!

I would be lying if I said I've kept up with my goals I set in November for myself.
1.  Off season weight loss - not so much - instead I think I've enjoyed every holiday treat and glass of wine and added to my new total loss to achieve pre CDA.
2.  Blogging weekly - well since this is my first blog since end of November. . .
3.  Consistency in training - Not great here either - December was chaotic to put it mildly and last week was the first week that I actually got in ALL of my training sessions since the first week of training with Jen.

But the good thing about a new year is it gives us each time to start anew.  With a clean slate, an open mind and GOALS.  I can put those lazy days of December, the extra desserts and glasses of wine, and the missed items on my to-do list behind me and just move forward.

So here's to a fresh start, to a great 2011 and reaching our goals!  Happy New Year!