Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Off-Season Progress

I'm sitting in the airport at St Louis with still another hour before my flight leaves (I've already been waiting 2) and figured I should use the time to update my blog since the last half hour was spent reading everyone elses' more diligently posted and colorful entries.  I really need to take more pictures.  Maybe my new Mac will inspire me.

Even though it is the off season, I have been making progress on some of my off season goals.  Priority number one is to get healthy again.  I saw Dr. Dec again this past Monday.  She is happy with my progress in PT and has officially released me to do 15 minutes of running, outside, on flat surfaces only sandwiched between walk sessions, a few times a week.  She also didn't scold me too badly for trying to run a few times for a limited number of minutes before I was officially released.  I still have 6 more sessions of PT to attend and then, if I feel good, I am released to my own plan and don't even have to come back in to see her.  So, even though PT has seemed slow and a little unstructured for my taste, I plan to stick with it and hopefully be back on the roads in January.

My post Ironman lbs are also slowly coming off and I'm continuing to reshape my body.  The pounds aren't falling off as fast as they do for those Biggest Loser contestants, but I have managed to lose 6 since October and my suits are baggy again.  My biggest challenge is still the glass or two of wine, particularly in the holiday season.  I know it is unrealistic to cut it out completely with the holiday party circuit starting in earnest, but I've at least vowed to cut all non-party wine.  For some reason, which Tina explains much better than I ever could, my body metabolizes wine like fat and I can't lose or get leaner while drinking wine.  So, the plan is to maintain or maybe even drop a pound or two more between now and the New Year and then come January, its time for some real focus and hopefully those last 9 lbs will disappear.  I wish Subway would pay me $1000 for every lb I would lose.

As for the bike, I'm spending lots of time with it and my new power meter.  I still haven't quite figured out training with it.  The first few rides, my HR zones and power meter zones didn't match up well so we've had to do a bit of adjusting.  And, unfortunately, or fortunately, my power zones have gone up which only means I have to work out harder.  Right when I was starting to get the hang of it, my Quark started acting a little crazy and sending out numbers that the pros generate.  While I would love to generate those numbers, they are no where in my repetoire and so it is back at the manufacturer this week getting a tune up.  This month's progression on the bike has had lots of threshold intervals  -- no fun, but hopefully they'll help me build some more speed for next Spring.

Finally tennis. . . I've been really enjoying spending a little time on the courts during this off season.  I pretty much stopped playing this summer while training for the Ironman for fear I'd injure myself.  Now that the off-season is here, and mixed doubles season starts in January, it was time for me to get back out there.  Bart and my ratings both got bumped up this year so we'll be playing on a higher level team this winter.  This means we both need to find our A games if we are to have any chance to win.  Bart's A game is at least close by.  Mine will take some work to find.  Thankfully all of the work with triathlon training has made me faster on the court and more aware of my surroundings.  So if I can get some timing back and learn a few new skills, I might be okay. The last few Monday night's I've skipped my cycling and instead opted for an intense set of drills and clinic with 3 other gals.  The change of pace has been great and I've realized I missed the sport.

Will have to get on the Christmas wagon this week and finish up some shopping.  That is, unless I decide to head to Philly on Friday to watch the Tribe play their nemisis Villanova in the semis of the FCS playoffs.  GO TRIBE!


TriGirl 40 said...

Sounds like great off season progress for sure. Want to come watch you and Bart someday on the tennis court!